Fast to install, and straightforward to set-up and quote, ACT removes the complexity from access control and allows you to get more done, more easily, and in less time.
ACTpro Software
The ACTpro software suite streamlines the installation, management and monitoring of the ACTpro access control system. Click on the arrows for more info.
ACTPro Enterprise Software

ACTpro Enterprise Software. ACTpro Enterprise provides all the functionality required to manage your ACTpro controllers and provides for unlimited doors and PC clients. ACT Enterprise is intuitive and easy to use and scales from a single door to thousands of doors. Software includes multi-tenant, ID card design and printing, user import tool, video integration with Eventys, Hikvision and Milestone and much more.
Part number: ACTENT
ACTPro Enterprise Lite Software

ACTpro Enterprise Lite Software. The free version of ACT Enterprise software which supports up to 100doors and one PC clients. Does not include Multitenant, Sitemaps, Extra Rights, ACT Monitor. Available for download.
Part Number: ACTENT-LITE
ACTPro Aperio Wireless Locks License

Aperio Wireless Locks License. Allows wireless locks to be installed and configured on ACTpro hardware also integrate into ACTpro software.
Part Number: P54508-P121-A100
ACTPro Biometric License

ACTpro-BIO Biometrics License. ACTpro-BIO is an expansion license enabling installation of biometric readers on the ACTpro system. An ACTpro-BIO Licence is required for every door where a biometric device is installed with Actpro software.
Part Number: P54508-P123-A100
ACTPro Kone Elevator Integration License

ACTpro-Kone Elevator Integration License. Enables Kone Integration into ACTpro. Destination Operation Panels (DOP) are located outside the elevator system. The user swipes their card against the reader located inside the panel and a message is passed to the elevator system prompting the Kone DOP to signal which elevator the user should use. In a hybrid system scenario some floors are equipped with DOPs (most likely entrance floors), and some of the floors have traditional up/down call buttons. The Vanderbilt ACTpro Kone integration supports “DCS basic and extended traditional feature set” “DCS basic and extended hybrid feature sets” “turnstile integration feature set”. See Kone documentation for more details. DOP – Destination Operation Panel COP – Car Operating Panel DCS – Destination Control System
Part Number: P54508-P120-A100
ACTPro -BT Bluetooth License

ACTpro-BT Bluetooth Mobile Credential-1pc. Vanderbilt’s range of Bluetooth Readers is a secure and flexible identification solution bringing the access credential to Android and iOS smartphones. ACTpro-BT is Vanderbilt’s perpetual add-on license to create and manage mobile credentials in ACT Enterprise. The number of mobile credentials per Bluetooth license is 1 and the minimum order quantity is set to 10.
Part Number: P54508-P124-A100
ACTPro API Integration

ACTpro API Integration. API for 3rd Parties to Integrate with ACT pro software.
Part Number: ACTENT_API
ACTpro Hardware
Web-enabled door controller interfaces, door stations and input output modules. A suite of MiFare and DESfire card readers is available. Click on the arrows for more info.
ACTPro 1500 Door Controller

ACTpro-1500 Door Controller. Single door IP Controller with a dual-port Ethernet switch. The ACTpro-1500 controller supports 60,000 users, 2,000 User groups, door station technology (ACTpro-100 and ACTpro-120) and wireless locks and is ideal for a single door or for systems that need to grow to thousands of doors.
Part Number: V54502-C111-A100
ACTPro 1520 Door Controller With Power Supply

ACTpro-1520 Door Controller With Power Supply. Single door IP Controller with 2A 12V DC Power Supply. Input voltage is 230V AC. Includes a dual-port Ethernet switch. The ACTpro-1520 controller supports 60,000 users, 2,000 User groups, door station technology (ACTpro-100 and ACTpro-120) and wireless locks and is ideal for a single door or for systems that need to grow to thousands of doors.
Part Number: V54502-C110-A100
ACTPro 1520PoE Door Controller With Power Over Ethernet

ACTpro-1500PoE Door Controller. ACTpro-1500PoE is a single door IP Controller and includes a dual port Ethernet switch and support of OSDP readers. The Controller includes a PoE++ (PoE Ultra) power supply with 0.5Amp for battery charging. The controller supports 60,000 users and includes a rich set of advanced features, including voltage monitoring and break glass monitoring. The controller is ideal for a single door or systems that need to grow to thousands of doors.
Part Number: V54502-C112-A100
ACTPro 100 Door Station

ACTpro-100 Door Station. The ACTpro-100 facilitates the expansion of an additional door on the ACTpro controller (ACTpro-1500 and ACTpro-1520) and connects to the ACTpro controller via RS485. The decision to grant or deny access is made by the ACTpro Controller. Up to 31 door stations can be connected to a door controller.
Part Number: V54502-C120-A100
ACTPro 120 Door Station With Power Supply

ACTpro-120 Door Station With 2A 12V DC Power Supply. The ACTpro-120 facilitates the expansion of an additional door on the ACTpro controller (ACTpro-1500 and ACTpro-1520). The ACTpro-120 includes a 2A 12V DC power supply (230V AC input) and is connected to the ACTpro controller via RS485. The decision to grant or deny access is made by the ACTpro Controller. Up to 31 door stations can be connected to a door controller.
Part Number: V54502-C122-A100
ACT-IOM 8 Input/8 Output Module

ACT-IOM 8 Input/8 Output Module. Each Input/Output Module supports 8 inputs and 8 outputs per device. Each ACTpro controller supports up to 4 IO Modules (32 inputs and 32 outputs) The IO Module allows an ACTpro controller to be used in applications where signaling to other equipment is required. Examples include elevator controls, alarm systems, CCTV, switching applications, IO Mapping.
Part Number: V54506-B100-A100
MIlestone Verified
The award-winning ACT system has officially received its integration certificates from Milestone. This integration delivers ACT as a scalable solution for our customers by combining top-class access control with world-renowned video through the Milestone brand. Choose the power of interoperability and maximize your security investment by choosing Vanderbilt’s ACT access control.
View the integration certificates below: