To order the SiPass integrated software license extensions, you must first complete a software license order form, available from Caledon.
ASE5100-BA1,000 card database extension from the initial 1,000 cards that are included in the standard license.
ASE5100-BB10,000 card database extension from the initial 1,000 cards that are included in the standard license.
ASE5100-DO 8-door database extension from the initial 24 doors included in the standard license.
ASE5100-DE 32-door database extension from the initial 24 doors included in the standard license.
ASE5100-OC License for 8 Salto components (doors or areas): Allows addition of offline components (doors) to a SiPass integrated system. Please note that the SiPass integrated MP2.5 software is required to support this software extension.
ASE5100-WS Single workstation extension from the initial workstation included in the standard license. For more than five workstations, Microsoft SQL Server 2005 standard edition software is required and needs to be purchased separately
ASE5300-AP Basic HR API: enables SiPass integrated to communicate with third-party business applications and exchange cardholder information, which significantly reduces the need to enter identical data into multiple systems. Note: To facilitate seamless communication between the Basic HR API and SiPass integrated‚ a small amount of software development is required for the third-party application. With the aid of the SiPass integrated HR API Development Guide‚ this task is relatively simple for a software engineer. This license extension is compatible only with SiPass Integrated versions 2.60 and earlier.
Spec Sheet
ASE5300-HA Extended HR API is an additional interface that builds upon the Basic HR API (ASE5300-AP). The Extended HR API makes it possible to perform advanced functions from a third-party application such as providing a cardholder with access privileges or assigning a visitor with a temporary access profile. Note: To facilitate seamless communication between the Extended HR API and SiPass integrated‚ a small amount of software development is required for the third-party application. With the aid of the SiPass integrated Extended HR API Development Guide‚ this task is relatively simple for a software engineer. This license extension is compatible only with SiPass Integrated versions 2.60 and earlier.
Spec Sheet
ASE5300-HR Interface API enables SiPass integrated to communicate with third-party business applications and exchange cardholder information, which significantly reduces the need to enter identical data into multiple systems. This API was introduced with SiPass Integrated version 2.6.5 and combines the ASE5300-AP Basic HR API and ASE5300 HA Extended HR API into one product. Note: To facilitate seamless communication between the Extended HR API and SiPass integrated‚ a small amount of software development is required for the third-party application. With the aid of the SiPass integrated Extended HR API Development Guide‚ this task is relatively simple for a software engineer. This license extension is compatible only with SiPass Integrated versions 2.65 and later.
ASE5300-CB CCTV third-party interface license: SiPass integrated video surveillance offers an interface to a number of video surveillance systems. The settings and configurations for cameras and monitors are directly made from the SiPass integrated system. The image sequences can be displayed from the SiPass integrated graphical user interface (GUI) or a standard CCTV monitor. Using the event control function, camera sequences can be programmed, which are then started automatically with a specific system event. This optional module allows you to upgrade your SiPass integrated client to a video surveillance workstation.
Supported matrix switchers: Pelco 9760, Pelco 9740, Pelco CM6700, Pelco CM6800
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ASE5300-DV DVR third-party interface license: Allows the user to control and view live or recorded images from multiple digital video recording (DVR) units connected to the same network as SiPass integrated. It is possible to completely manage the recording and playback features of other manufacturers’ DVR systems with this software. Combined with the event and alarm handling functionality‚ it is possible to trigger immediate recording from DVR cameras in response to alarms or any other system event.
Spec Sheet
ASE5300-VA DVR application programming interface (API) license: Using the DVR API, almost any generic DVR unit can become part of a SiPass integrated system. Many DVR management features are available, such as live image viewing, event-activated recording, image verification, and full PTZ camera movement. Note: To facilitate seamless communication between the DVR API and SiPass integrated, a small amount of software development is required for the third-party application. With the aid of the SiPass integrated DVR API Development Guide, this task is relatively simple for a software engineer.
Spec Sheet
ASE5300-CW CCTV capability on a SiPass integrated workstation license: Provides the ability to use the SiPass integrated workstation as a CCTV monitoring station. In combination with a video capture card, it is possible to view live CCTV images, control camera movement, and switch cameras from the convenience of the SiPass integrated workstation.
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ASE5300-DS License for Data synchronizer tool: Allows the user to import cardholder data from a third-party application. This can also be used in conjunction with the Import/Export tool that is freely available in SiPass integrated.
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ASE5300-GT Guard Tour license: Conveniently integrates your access control and security network with a state-of-the-art electronic patrol verification system.
Guard Tour uses the same infrastructure as the SiPass integrated system, be it card readers, biometric readers, or any other access or input device. Therefore, there is no need to install additional equipment to monitor guard patrols. In addition, a guard can be tracked as he/she patrols your site. The same device used to indicate his or her position in a tour is also used to unlock doors and turn on alarm systems. This enables guards to generate real-time duress alarms, without arousing suspicion. Guard Tour’s advanced functionality allows you to customise tours, assign guards to specific or random tours, impose time constraints, and generate alarms when tour conditions have been breached.
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ASE5300-GP Graphics license: Provides security operators with a method of visually monitoring the status of a room, a building or an entire facility and the ability to perform routine tasks with a single click of the mouse button.
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ASE5300-LE Low-level elevator management license: Allows the SiPass integrated advanced central controller to operate as the elevator controller. Output point modules operate as the hardware interface, handling access at up to 16 floors per unit, and providing fire override (FOR) notification. Configuring access control for an elevator system is a completely transparent process. SiPass integrated simply extends the same concepts governing door access to floors, using a consistent and intuitive graphical user interface.
Spec Sheet
ASE5300-HL High-level elevator management interface license: The generic high-level elevator interface (HLI) allows any facility to create a link between their SiPass integrated system and their elevator management system (EMS) for the purpose of controlling access to floors. Once you have configured your system, the HLI allows you to manage which cardholders are provided with access to which floors and the times of the day they are permitted to have this access. To ensure that the HLI is compatible with any commercially available EMS, a generic elevator protocol is available. This protocol provides all the common commands used by elevator management systems to control access.
Note: Each site must create its own protocol translator to interface SiPass integrated with their local EMS.
Spec Sheet
ASE5300-ID Photo ID and image verification license: Enables the system to quickly and easily capture cardholder photographs and print a personalized access card that includes the photo for each cardholder. This ability to combine cardholder photographs with their access and personal information strengthens any security system. Within minutes it is possible to construct a custom-designed card template, complete with company logo, photograph and signature, plus eye-catching graphics.
This module also enables live-image verification for enhanced security. In snapshot mode, an image is captured from a video surveillance camera for comparison with a cardholder photo. In host-verification mode, access to the door is controlled by the SiPass integrated operator.
Spec Sheet
ASE5300-IN intrusion option license: Provides native intrusion detection functionality. When it is installed‚ motion detectors can be connected directly to SiPass integrated and the system can be used both as an access control system and an intrusion detection system. The same card readers are then used both for access control purposes and to turn the intrusion detection system on and off.
Alternatively‚ in cases where a certified intrusion detection system is required‚ the intrusion module can be used to integrate a dedicated SPC* or Sintony 400 series intrusion control panel into a SiPass integrated system.
Spec Sheet
ASE5300-MA Management Station Application Programming Interface (API): Allows you to integrate SiPass integrated alarms and monitoring with existing building management solutions. This provides the opportunity to create a seamless connection for all your building monitoring needs. You can achieve an effective solution by overseeing and manually commanding all of your SiPass integrated devices via a third-party building management application.
Note: To facilitate seamless communication between the Management Station API and SiPass integrated, a small amount of software development is required for the third-party application. With the aid of the SiPass integrated Management Station API Development Guide, this task is relatively simple for a software engineer.
Spec Sheet
ASE5300-ME: Mifare encoding license: Allows the use ID cards not only for access control but also for other applications. By using the SiPass Mifare encoding option, cards used for other applications, such as cashless payment for goods or food within company facilities, for example, can also be used for access control.
Spec Sheet
ASE5300-MF Message forwarding license: Providing security around the clock is a challenge for every facility. The high cost of employing security guards overnight is prohibitive, but the risks of potential security breaches when the site is unmanned are huge. The SiPass integrated message forwarding option solves this problem. The ASE5300-MF messaging allows the system to automatically send custom text messages to pagers*, mobile telephones* or by e-mail. Using the latest telecommunication technology, it is possible to notify key personnel, who may otherwise be absent from a premises, when security has been breached. This allows a timely and appropriate response to any alarm situation.
Can also forward alarms and messages to the central controlling software of other SiPass integrated servers that reside on the same LAN/WAN. If a business with a SiPass integrated system is not manned, alarms can be automatically forwarded to a location with security operators who are monitoring SiPass integrated based activity.
Spec Sheet
ASE5300-MM MM8000 interface license: Security at any facility extends beyond just the physical entrances and exits. A high security facility today provides a safe environment in which to work including access control, video surveillance, alarm management, and protection against the threat of fire. The SiPass integrated MM8000 interface allows your access control system to seamlessly integrate with an advanced danger management system providing a single location for monitoring all your security and safety needs.
Spec Sheet
ASE5300-OC OPC client license: The OPC client makes it possible to connect to OPC servers so that SiPass integrated can receive alarm and event information from other systems (OPC A&E 1.1), creating a single application for real-time monitoring and notification. Once a message is received, SiPass integrated displays it within its own graphical user interface (GUI), which means that the operator does need not change applications to view it.
Spec Sheet
ASE5300-OS OPC server interface license: Makes it possible to broadcast details of SiPass integrated events and alarms to OPC clients such as building management systems and receive acknowledgements from those systems (OPC A&E 1.1).
Spec Sheet
ASE5300-TE Additional site/facility code license: SiPass readers are the best choice for use in combination with SiPass integrated software, as they do not require any site or facility code. This is not the case for some third-party readers*, which require this license for each site or facility code.
* Please contact Caledon for further information.
ASE5300-TR Time recording export license: Allows advanced time-handling of employees with access cards. It is possible to use the system to register when employees arrive for work and leave at the end of the day, then have this data exported to an external file. This file can then be used for time-keeping records or payroll systems.
Spec Sheet
ASE5300-VM Visitor management license: The modern office building is a complex affair. Personnel are often a mixture of permanent, contract and casual employees, each with different access requirements. If you add visitors, who can stay for periods ranging from a few hours to a few months, your cardholder management system can quickly become overloaded with information about both permanent and non-permanent cardholders. This might lead to confusion and inefficiencies in searching for records.
SiPass integrated addresses these problems with the visitor management option. With a unique user interface dedicated to capturing visitor details, visitor management graphically separates visitor information while offering exactly the same card encoding, access control and imaging features available to normal cardholders. It also includes an extensive reporting facility for visitor transactions and custom data pages that can be created exclusively for visitor records.
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